Catering & Private Dining

For Off-Site Private Events Consisting of 20 or More Guests, Please Fill Out the Form Below.

Please Contact the Restaurant Directly for All In-House Events or Smaller Catering Orders. (Less than 20 guests)

By combining fresh locally sourced ingredients, using old world recipes and a ton of creativity, we create for our guests a culinary bliss experience like none other. Since 2017, we have worked endlessly to build a great following of fans who can’t get enough of our creative small plates, greens, rustic desserts, handcrafted pasta and more.

Click on the Buttons Below to Explore Our Catering Menu Options



  1. Your event location must be within Chicago and surrounding suburb area.

  2. Pick multiple dates (Our catering business is growing, so several dates means more likely we can find a time that works for both of us).

  3. Contact US! We’ll need to know the location, date options, number of guests, budgets for the event. One of our sales consultants will be in touch and help create
    custom menu for your event.

Please submit your event inquiry below. A Team member will connect with you soon!